Windows 10 cumulative update failed
Windows 10 cumulative update failed

windows 10 cumulative update failed windows 10 cumulative update failed

  • Then follow the prompts to complete the process and once completed, check if the 21H1 error 0x800f0984 is cleared.
  • Afterward, right-click on the downloaded file of the update assistant and select Run as Administrator.
  • Download Latest Windows Update Assistant by Clicking on Update Now
  • Now, under the latest update assistant (currently, Windows Update), click on Update Now and then let the download complete.
  • Launch a web browser and steer to the Windows 10 section of Microsoft’s website.
  • If any of the essential Windows components used by the Windows Update are corrupt or missing, then installation of automatic Windows updates may fail but manually installing the same update as it uses different directories/services may solve the update error 0x800f0984.

    windows 10 cumulative update failed windows 10 cumulative update failed

    If any of these folders/ components have become corrupt, then your system may fail to install new Windows updates.

  • Corrupt Windows Update Components: Windows updates store their data locally on your system folders like the Software Distribution and Catroot2 folders before propagating to the relevant system directories.
  • Corrupt System Files: Your system’s files might have become corrupt due to a recently suffered power failure, an update was applied to it, or if the security product of your system has removed some essential system files, and these corrupt system files can cause the failed installation of the update.
  • Power Saving Power Plan: If you are one of those users who prefer to put their system on a power-saving power plan to extend the timing and life of your battery, then you must know that this power plan can make some system components less performing, that can result into the update error under discussion.

  • Windows 10 cumulative update failed